In the wake of the tragic stampede in Tirumala, Sithara Entertainments in consultation with Nandamuri Balakrishna has called off the scheduled pre-release event of Daaku Maharaaj. The event that was to be held in Anantapur today won't be held at a time when the mood is gloomy.
"Our team is deeply affected by the tragic incident that has occurred. It is heart-wrenching to see such an incident occur at the Lord Venkateswara temple - a place of devotion, hope for millions and a cherished part of our families' traditions," S Naga Vamsi's production house said.
The banner added that it is inappropriate to conduct the event at this juncture. "With a heavy heart and utmost respect for the devotion and sentiments of the people, we have decided to call off today’s event," the makers added.
Daaku Maharaaj will head to theatres on January 12. Directed by Bobby Kolli, it features Bobby Deol as the main antagonist.