'Konaseema Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu. A song titled 'Amman' from the movie is out. Shot on Hridhu Haroon, who plays the male lead, the song has been composed by Sam...Continue reading
Actor Sri Simha Koduri is ready with 'Bhaag Saale'. Ahead of the crime comedy's theatrical release on July 7, 'RX 100' actor Karthikeya unveiled its trailer at an event in Hyderabad on Monday. Sur...Continue reading
'Mathu Vadalara 2' is directed by Ritesh Rana, whose first two films were 'Mathu Vadalara' (2019) and 'Happy Birthday'. The latter, released in theatres in 2022, was a disaster. Chaotic, overcooked...Continue reading
It's known that 'Lakshya’ is set to head to the theatres on December 10. The news is that its theatrical trailer will drop on December 1. Making the announcement, the actor today plugged his ...Continue reading
Samudrakhani, Vinay Varma, Teja Kakumanu, and Prashanth in the lead roles, the movie Aakashavani is being made under the direction of Aswin Gangaraju. The lyrical song 'Dim Saare' from Aakashavani...Continue reading
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