Kannada hero Upendra, who is a popular face in Telugu cinema has spoken highly about the Kannada film Viraaj. The teaser was launched last month. This film has Vidyabharan as its leading man. Nikit...Continue reading
Upendra is in Hyderabad to promote his upcoming release, 'UI'. Speaking to the media, he defended the Kannada film industry, saying that Sandalwood is much more than its two most popular movies in ...Continue reading
It's only a matter of few days that our next film, S/O Satyamurthy will be hitting screens worldwide and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love you've showered upon us and our team. We're delight...Continue reading
Upendra, Celina Jaitley and Priyanka Trivedi starer a Kannada super hit movie ‘Srimathi’ has been dubbed into Telugu by producer Gajula Manikyala Rao on GMR Entertainments. Ravi is the director. T...Continue reading
‘XYS’ starring Upendra, Celina Jaitley and Priyanki Trivedi is the Telugu dubbed version of Kannada super hit movie ‘Srimathi’. Gajula Manikyala Rao is brining the same to the Telugu audience on ...Continue reading
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