Noted director Trivikram, who's well known as 'Wizard of words', is going to make a movie under the banner of 'Haarika and Hassine Creations', which's a third movie for the director in the same ban...Continue reading
Samantha learnt a lot from Baahubali 2. The actress tweeted that this film has given her some lessons for life. In her elaborate tweet the actress wrote, that nobody's viewpoint is small. All small...Continue reading
The YVM team has come up with an interesting theme called ‘Audio Release Bulletin’ to promote its grand audio launch which is going to be held on September 2nd. In this line, today, a “Contest ...Continue reading
We are all aware of the fact that Nithin and mesmerizing dialogue writer Trivikram’s romantic entertainer ‘A…Aa’ (Anasuya Ramalingam vs Anand Vihari) became big success. On this occasion, producer ...Continue reading
Sharwanand starrer 96 has finished a major schedule of the film, which was shot abroad. The makers say that all major portions of the shoot are complete. There are some scenes with Samantha and so...Continue reading
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