Laila Movie is directed by the Ram Narayan and produced by Sahu Garapati under the banner Shine Screens, the movie cast includes Vishwak Sen, Akanksha Sharma. Tanishk Bagchi, Ghibran composed the music for Laila.
In Laila, Vishwak Sen's character Sonu morphs into a woman. Two things unfold after this: crass sexualization of the character, and situating the 'woman' in awkward situations (for example, a fake ...Continue reading
Laila is Vishwak Sen's upcoming movie. As of now, it is scheduled to be released in theatres on February 14, 2025. Sonu Model, a song from the movie, is out. The sonic assault is dense and overwhel...Continue reading
Usually, release dates are announced with a lag in Tollywood. 'Laila' is different. The film, starring Vishwak Sen in a role with dual shades (a man and a woman), will head to theatres on February ...Continue reading
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